  • double2

    I have patches of hair on my shoulders, unconnected to any other hair. I call them my shoulder moustaches.

    • cunt

      I have this but only on the top left side of my back and its longer than the hair on my head

      • double2

        Are you actually joking here. Sorry, I had to adjust my mind there a second - am I right to assume the hair on your head is cut short?! You don't mean you have thick flowing backlocks?

        • cunt

          The hair on the left side of my back in an area about the size of a dinnerplate is about 1.5 inches long, my hair is usually 0.5 to 1 inch long

          • DrunkOldMan

            Haha, not sure how old you are but at a certain age freakin hair starts invading dam near everywhere!!

            • cunt

              Just about to be Middle aged I have hair growing from my ears, nose, eyebrows which think they're head hairs, grey hairs in a lightning shape

            • DrunkOldMan
              @cunt -

              LOL, shit grow faster than any hair on your head will. It's like the planet of the apes every other day!!