  • SMcIntyre (edited 8 years ago)

    Aside from the standard house rules, I have a few that I'm pretty adamant about with my kids:

    1.  When you're done in the pool, put your wet towels in the basket. Don't leave them laying wherever. 
    2.  If you get something out of the dishwasher, empty the damn dishwasher! (i.e. No taking a spoon and leaving everything else)
    3.  If Mom says 'no', don't come ask me. If I say 'no', don't go ask Mom.
    4.  No electronics in the dining room. 
    5.  Requests for money over $20 must be submitted in writing, and signed off on by both Mom and Dad.
    6.  The dog doesn't care that it's your favorite toy/shoes/jeans/book/anything that exists: If you leave it on the floor, he will shred it. 


    (For some reason, I can't get the standard formatting to work today.)