  • Arzeus (edited 9 years ago)

    I wish I had the ability to summon and control creatures from hell and the underworld.

    • leetmoaf

      All of them are vicious, but none of them are larger than a Warhammer 40,000 figurine, with power proportionate to their size.

    • Ryvaeus

      You can only summon creatures from hell and the underworld named "Chad."

    • JohnDough99999

      You can't control their bowels. When you summon them they always arrive in your bed, in your clean clothes, or in your pocket depending on the type summoned. Demons and creatures from hell are always pooping demonic demon poops that are acid based and stink beyond anything you can imagine. They have no power to vaporize their own other world incontinence and refuse to wear diapers.

    • sea

      As soon as they come up from the underworld, they lose whatever magic was allowing them to function while being dead. Have fun controlling a bunch of lifeless corpses.