Conversation 26 comments by 13 users
  • AinBaya

    The ability to manifest matter using energy, like green lantern

    • leetmoaf

      50% chance that the manifested matter becomes a sex toy.

    • Dattix

      The laws of physics dictate that said matter must be taken out of something you specifically have in mind; if nothing in mind, then yourself.

      • AinBaya

        So it creates what I'm thinking of and if I pull a blank it duplicates me?

        • Palmento

          I think it means you have to use your own matter to form the object. Although if you have matter to spare like I do, it may not necessarily be a bad thing.

          • AinBaya

            Oh, like equivalent exchange. I get it.

            • JohnDough99999

              I dont know about you but I could loose a few pounds.

            • AinBaya
              @JohnDough99999 -

              Yeah, sure I would live to manifest a computer and make it using my own fat but I only have so much fat

            • Wenjarich (edited 9 years ago)
              @JohnDough99999 -

              This reminds me of a magic mechanism I once thought up for fantasy story. The idea was that magic is all around us and we can store it in our bodies and we are then able to utilise the stored magic in our bodies to do extra ordinary things like casting various spells.

              The thing is that because magic is very similar to energy, our body treats it similarly to excess energy and stores it in our fat cells. Therefore you have a lot of people walking around who look really overweight because they don't ever want to be without access to casting magic.

              However, the more experienced you become, the more dense your "magic fat matter" becomes and so the more you can do with less amounts of fat. Therefore the most powerful mages can actually afford to walk around thin and still achieve amazing things but do to their size a lot of people can mistake them for weak or non spell caster, allowing for some fun story potential.

              Haha ya I spend way to much time thinking up potential strange magic systems for stories haha :P

            • AinBaya
              @Wenjarich -

              That sounds awesome. Like seriously

            • Wenjarich
              @AinBaya -

              Haha thanks man, This is something I have found myself thinking about a lot over the years. Mainly because it's fun for me, even if I don't write anything about it. :P I enjoy making up stories and the background around them.

              I once wrote about 150 pages of a modern day fantasy novel but I didn't back it up (this is where I learnt my lesson :P I now back EVERYTHING up). Our computer crashed and all the data was corrupted and so I lost it all. I tried to re-write it but it came out too mechanical because I was trying to rush through to where I was before. So I left it. This is why I have only really written short stories since.

            • AinBaya
              @Wenjarich -

              Sweet. I love the creativity that comes with writing. Yeah, I back up practically everything now. My music, contracts, email, docs, accounts for some services and more are backed/connected to google so I can pick up a new android phone and have it feel like home within 5 minutes

            • neg8ivezero
              @Wenjarich -

              I write all the time and this is a wonderful story prompt! If you like to write, please use it some time and make a post with the results, I would love to read it!

            • Wenjarich
              @neg8ivezero -

              I doubt I will write on this particular. There's a few other ideas I would like to try write before this topic. You are wecome to give it a go :)

            • Chinky
              @JohnDough99999 -

              But how useful can a sword made out of back fat possibly be?

            • Chinky
              @Wenjarich -

              If you ever make a game I would love to play test it.

            • Wenjarich
              @Chinky -

              I would think a normal swod would be more of a threat in this setting rather than normal settings. Cut through a man's fat and he can't draw the magic stored in those cells. I also imagine that due to being so dependent on magic and having allowed themselves to grow to (some of the more obsessed) rediculous sizes they would not only not think of attack by sword (who lower themselves to such barbaric acts) but they'd be significantly slow at dodging, in fact rather easy to hit at their size. This is all assuming you manage to avoid being fried by magic....

              "Hey Phil, did you see a glint of something on that roof beam?" How was he to know these would be his last words? A look of stupor washed over his face as his hands fumbled at his three chins for the sharp stick they had swallowed. Phil's body wobbled as he tried to spin to see his friend fall. His mind raced, what magic is this, how did I not sense it? these are not questions he found answers to as a blinding pain shot through his spine. As his vision faded he found himself in wonder, Facinating, there are voids in my body where I should feel magic. What a thesis this would make.

            • Wenjarich
              @Chinky -

              Sho, thank you, that's quite the compliment :) unfortunately I don't have any aspersions to make my own game. It would take me too much time. (I'm assuming you mean make my own gaming system :P)

            • Chinky
              @Wenjarich -

              I've been working on one off and on for about a year and a half. It's not too terribly hard, just depends on how much you want to delve into it.

    • CuppaMatt

      The energy for your constructs comes from your body's fat reserves. When the construct disappears the fat returns (you cannot make permanent constructs and their duration is random).

    • zaywolfe

      All matter you manifest is in the shape of Nazi memorabilia.

      • AinBaya

        Hmmm... Specific. I like it. So I could create whatever I wanted but it would be Nazi branded like they're own product line?

      • Gelidaer

        You'll be rich!

    • sea

      Everything you touch immediately turns to goop, until you exercise your power over it.

      • ColdwaterQ

        Including people, and gloves don't prevent it so it is like king Midas but worse.