Conversation 10 comments by 6 users
  • Juka


    • sea

      You can only control your own body parts.

      • leetmoaf

        If you cut off your hands you have super reach. Other than decay, I see no downside to this. Good condition!

        • sea

          Ahahah, I love it! Hadn't thought of that

      • neg8ivezero

        This is by far the best response to any of the powers in this thread.

      • Juka

        Thats pretty good actually it should mean i can fly without any bad conditions.

        • neg8ivezero

          Not really, or at least not how I see it.

          Telekinesis uses the power of your mind to move objects (imagine a giant, invisible, extra arm coming out of your head). To move your entire body off the ground, you would need a force outside of your body to act against it or you would need your telekinesis to act against another reference object to obtain any lift.

    • AinBaya

      A combination of the comments that were above this when I made it. You can only control your own body parts, while asleep, on cardboard.

    • Palmento

      Only when you're asleep.

    • leetmoaf

      Only on cardboard boxes.