  • Improbability (edited 8 years ago)

    Don't beat yourself up too much. I would submit to you that most 17 year old boys (and maybe girls) would rather spend time with their friends than with their parents. Just keep trying and don't give up. No parent is perfect, but at least you're trying. And that's leaps and bounds better than the parents some kids have.

    Edit: Also remember this: it's never too late (until you're dead). He'll come around as he gets old and needs you for your life experience or advice or whatever.

    • RedditExodus

      Yeah and maybe you could get into video games with him?

      Either way I know I didn't appreciate home until I left.

      • Improbability

        There's an idea. Don't let him win, though.

        • RedditExodus

          Yeah, remind him that you brought him into this [virtual] world and you can take him out of it.