  • cmagnificent

    There was a brilliant Sitcom in the mid 90s called Newsradio. Phil Hartman, Joe Rogan, Dave Foley, Stephen Root and some other awesome talent was on there. It was fairly well received critically but never really brought in the ratings so they were constantly living in fear of being cancelled so for their third and fourth season finale they did a Newsradio in Space and a Newsradio as the Titanic episode respectively which ended with pretty much everyone dying.

    It had some strong absurdist elements, dry humor and was all around amazing. One of my favorite shows of all time.

    If that's not old enough, Kolchak the Night Stalker. It was a paranormal investigation show in the mid 70s. It's incredibly cheesy at times, but what makes it fun is that it came out at around the time the Watergate scandal was breaking and investigative journalists were pretty much regarded as heroes. So Kolchak is a plucky investigative reporter who keeps inadvertently stumbling into these paranormal happenstances. Very fun, if you're into that kind of thing.