Text Post: What job is totally overpaid? posted by kiltman
  • canuck

    Real Estate Agents. Their commission model is way outdated and racks in way too much money these days. Sell just 3-5 houses in a year and it's a good YEARLY income.

    • RoamingGnome

      AND, they don't want to do any work for the commission. It's outrageous. RE agents are just about a half-step below lawyers on the scumbag scale.

      • sgfc (edited 8 years ago)

        Well the question was about being overpaid, but now that you bring it into conversation: Why are all lawyers such scumbags?

    • junglman

      Agreed. Most of the work is done online nowadays, eliminating the hassle of show rooming houses all day. Source: A friend of a friend's brother just blew up locally and sells 50 houses a quarter.