
What job is totally overpaid?

What job is totally overpaid?

8 years ago by kiltman with 15 comments

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  • canuck

    Real Estate Agents. Their commission model is way outdated and racks in way too much money these days. Sell just 3-5 houses in a year and it's a good YEARLY income.

    • RoamingGnome

      AND, they don't want to do any work for the commission. It's outrageous. RE agents are just about a half-step below lawyers on the scumbag scale.

      • sgfc (edited 8 years ago)

        Well the question was about being overpaid, but now that you bring it into conversation: Why are all lawyers such scumbags?

    • junglman

      Agreed. Most of the work is done online nowadays, eliminating the hassle of show rooming houses all day. Source: A friend of a friend's brother just blew up locally and sells 50 houses a quarter.

  • 8mm

    Any professional athlete.

    • Bastou (edited 8 years ago)

      May I add a small remark : in a popular team sport. I don't think cross country skiing pros get all that much money.

    • jerinoos

      Floyd Mayweather?

      • RoamingGnome

        I'm boycotting him. I will never watch another Mayweather run-around-the-ring match as long as I live. I have zero interest in wasting another hour or two of my time on the most boring fighter in boxing history.

  • Bastou (edited 8 years ago)

    CEOs. Seriously? I know you take the decisions, but you're telling me what you do is a thousand times more valuable than the people who actually produce what your company sells? I'd like to see what would happen to a big company without a CEO and compare it to a company without basic workers and engineers, which one would collapse first...

    • hingeattack

      I disagree. The CEO may not have a terribly important job, but say you take away one CEO, that's a much bigger deal than taking away any one worker. While the workers are collectively far more important than the boss, the boss is more difficult to replace and more important than one worker in most cases.

      • Bastou (edited 8 years ago)

        I'm not objecting to a higher salary for CEOs (compared to their employees), but between 250 and 1000 times their average employee's salary seems really excessive to me. But of course, that is all a question of opinion.

        And in my hypothetical suggestion, I didn't say one by one, I said all at once. Of course each of them, taken individually, are replaceable and it's normal that the CEO makes more than all of them. But I'm talking about proportions, here.

  • Yamadori

    Social Media Gurus. You play on Facebook and Twitter all day, don't mystify it.

    • ClarkKent

      Hey! We have goals to hit, numbers to make, companies to grow, if this doesn't happen it means bad name, and you can't market yourself with a bad name.

      • ProtoJazz

        Any social media and PR work is almost magic to me. I wouldn't even know where to begin.

        I'd probably just message random people "Hey, you want to check out my company?"