  • Fuyu

    I tend to just sleep it off or zone out on something else. I've learned that the kind of people who most often make me angry are not worth the time or energy to confront (or the trouble I usually somehow get into when I do). If I absolutely need to tell someone off, I usually write it out but delete it without posting. It helps me get my thoughts in order and counter their argument so I feel like I've "won" and don't have to worry about it anymore without encouraging them to bother me more.

    • NstealthL

      Definitely agree with the fact that some people aren't worth the time or energy. I've learned that for people, but still trying to apply it to coping with certain situations. What do you usually do in the middle of an argument? Sometimes I find it difficult to just walk away from someone, especially if it's to go take a nap to cool off.