Text Post: What are you running low on? posted by aj0690
  • Lcthulou

    Right Now? I am working a project at work on a new team. This is part of a merger and acquisition, and we are integrating data from a proprietary system (Old Company) to a licensed system (New Company), The team management lied to us to get us to sign on. They've been using us strictly as production while ignoring any issues we raise based on our experience and skills, to the point where I went to our ethics line because we are going to be liable for failure to comply with outside contracts.

    Nothing was done, and we are 6 months into a three year project.

    Because I have over en yers experience with the proprietary system that is going away, it is hard to find anther position in the company or outside of it.

    You can probably guess what I am all out of.