
What are you running low on?

I'm low on milk, cereal, eggs and shampoo.

8 years ago by aj0690 with 39 comments

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Conversation 7 comments by 4 users
  • SevenTales

    I'm running low on tea. It's never a good day, when you don't have tea. Also, food. I forgot to do my order of Soylent, so it's real food day for me :P

    • Mac

      How do you like Soylent? I've been considering trying some just because part of me is sick of eating and I'm ready for future food haha

      • ttubravesrock

        I like the taste of soylent. It didn't require me to 'get used to it' either. It's an intentionally neutral taste. I do between 500-750 calories per day with Soylent, the rest with real food.

      • SevenTales

        Hey! I like it quite a lot now that I've grown accustomed to the taste, my body even craves it like it used to crave pizza :P I feel better on it so far :) If you're interested, we have a tribe going on, even though it's not much active yet, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to drop by! /t/soylent

        • Mac

          Oh nice! I saw that link for home made recipes and I think I might have to make some now. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction :)

      • cunt

        There's a recipe for making your own online somewhere, i'll try and look it up sometime tonight. Ketosoylent i thing

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  • massani


    It's constantly a battle for me. I feel like I'm always surrounded by some level of incompetence. And ignorance. I think I'm starting to realize that that is just life and there is no way around it. I'm thinking about taking up daily meditation, so I can hopefully have the willpower to be patient with all this BS.

    • SevenTales

      Meditation is a really powerful tool in one's arsenal. But really, patience is about acceptance. Like you said, there is no way around it. If it gets to you, you're the one affected, not them. So the only way of dealing with it is to accept that there are asshats in the universe, and not let it get to you. I worked on that a long time :)

  • PickledRhino

    Movies to watch on Amazon and Netflix. Money. Time. Food in general. 5.56 rounds.

    • ttubravesrock

      if you are running out of movies on Amazon and Netflix then surely you have PLENTY of time.

      • PickledRhino

        I'm super picky. I work 60 hours a week and I have 4 kids. I can assure you I have very little time. Lol

        • ttubravesrock

          understandable. I work 90-100 hours a week during the summer. I have 0 kids though.

          • PickledRhino

            I hope you're paid hourly! I wish I were... :'( lol

  • Xeno

    Shampoo, conditioner, food.... lots of things. I'm in the process of moving so I'm avoiding buying things for a couple days.

  • Grassgrows

    Weed. My go-to dealer is about an hour of public transport travel time away, and I had a tiring work day and could really use a joint now, but I really do not have the energy to travel two hours back and forth just for a little bud... I have to find a local dealer but am not sure how..

  • StarmanSuper

    Enthusiasm. It's getting tougher and tougher to get excited about things.

  • hitthee (edited 8 years ago)


    I'm running low on:

    Pink salt 1&2, linen sausage bags, raw meat such as: Pork, beef, venison, grouse, bison and moose.

    I'm out of:

    Paprika, Chili powder, garlic powder, onion powder, long pepper, grains of paradise, white pepper, ginger, black pepper, vinegar, table salt, kosher salt, honey, and sugar.

    Olive oil, Peanut oil, lard and canola oil.


    Pork tenderloin, bacon, pork belly and lamb.

    Rye flour, whole wheat flour, enriched white flour, yeast, baking soda and baking powder.

    Plums, pears, raisins and avocados.

    Brewers yeast, yeast nutrient, pectin, acid blend, tannin powder and clarifiers.

    Eggs, powdered eggs and powdered milk.

    Hickory, apple wood, oak and alder chips.

    Assorted dry beans, lentils, sesame seeds, buckwheat, red river cereal, coffee, oats and rice.

    Soap, mason jars, lids, paraffin wax, bees wax and corks

    So I'll be heading back to the 19th century and do some shopping =/

    • ttubravesrock

      good luck trying to find avocados, pink salt, and powdered eggs in the same 19th century store.

      • hitthee (edited 8 years ago)

        I could easily find sodium nitrate, sodium nitrite and potassium nitrate in any general store of the period. Pink salt is not the iron rich salt from the Himalayas but the curing salts which are dyed pink to distinguish them from common table and kosher salts. Mixing these salts up would be very bad indeed.It would be easier to find them in the past when more people used them.

        Powdered eggs yeah you're right I'd have to venture to a camp supply store or make them myself as a general store won't do until the 1930's.

        I'm shit out of luck on avocados though as the current breed we eat wasn't around until the 1950's when that postman got ripped off.

        I was hoping for a single time travel trip as its a hassle.

  • BlankWindow

    E-Liquid and Pinot Grigio; old habits die hard.

  • jenjen1352

    Money. Motivation. Coffee. They aren't directly related :)

  • Urgz

    Stuff I don't need. I've been selling, donating, giving away and just throwing away a lot of stuff that I have had for a while, but not doing anything with. I can tell you, it feels SO much better not having so much stuff around the house. So I'm glad I'm running low on that :)

  • Civil

    Eggs, bread, books.

    Buying more eggs (along with sausage and bacon) this weekend. Gonna make breakfast burritos for the week. Will buy bread at the same time.

    I only have two or three more books to read, so I'll probably pick up a couple more from my Amazon Wish List sometime soon.

    • UnicornCommando

      Are you gonna read Go Set a Watchman? I was wondering if it is good. 'Cause with all the reviews just hammering it, I am kinda skeptical on reading it

      • Civil

        That book actually wasn't even on my list, but that's because I wasn't aware of its existence. I've added it to the list, but I doubt I'll get to it for a bit. There are a lot of books in front of it.

  • lostwonder

    Time, money, memory, energy. Trouble finding a worthy job or remembering many things.

  • Lcthulou

    Right Now? I am working a project at work on a new team. This is part of a merger and acquisition, and we are integrating data from a proprietary system (Old Company) to a licensed system (New Company), The team management lied to us to get us to sign on. They've been using us strictly as production while ignoring any issues we raise based on our experience and skills, to the point where I went to our ethics line because we are going to be liable for failure to comply with outside contracts.

    Nothing was done, and we are 6 months into a three year project.

    Because I have over en yers experience with the proprietary system that is going away, it is hard to find anther position in the company or outside of it.

    You can probably guess what I am all out of.

  • robmonk

    TP, gotta dig into the napkins soon.

  • imokruok

    Witcher 3 currency. Dorthy we're not in Skyrim anymore.

  • Fooferhill

    Spare time. Any down time I get I turn into a turnip-sit and do nothing usually due to exhaustion. And the. I go again.