  • AlchemiA (edited 9 years ago)

    AlchemiA -- prognostication in time is prolepsis in space, which is a kind-of deja-view all over the place -- flash-forward to the edge of forever at first-light where the beginning expands into the deep-dark reaches of the night -- sHe is the Poet who writes from that serendipitous-connection and sHe's mastered the word-image-rhythms, the forms and rituals of sound and sight, and can therefore incite these emotives/feelings/thoughts in the reader, making the whirld's turn into a synergy of observer/observed which becomes tessellated interactively with the thoughts that you heard -- she throws a pebble into the stream and watches the ripples fill the unbounded cavity of your brain, where these ripples ripple in many reflections over and over again -- thus she writes her insights with a lyrical pen that babbles like a brook of words that meander down the page while unfettered glistening fish jump from line to line seeking the source of their urgent drive home --

    -- have you heard of the expression, fish-heads? -- the Doctor of days gone-by was steeped in Alchemy 'n Astrology 'n Poetic lore and would wear a floppy hat resembling the shape of a fish-head -- the principle behind this apparel was to indicate 'wholeness' and 'completion' -- Jung's individuation -- it symbolizes the sign of Pisces conjoined with Aries: Pisces rules the feet and Aries the head, and so represents that the wearer has mastered all of the stages of Arkane path of initiation and that when the fish-floppy-hat is worn upon the head it signifys that all the Signs are symbiotically in the memories of her majestically mythic mind; sHe's merCuriously illuMentated...


    a laptop

    illuminated letters

    complete with words

    black on white pixels


    lines on a screen


    sentences vibrate cyclically;

    we see them in ourselves


    until these things happen again.

    -enter- I break-up with you

    -> breaks give direction <-

    I break-down alone


    with i n t e n t i o n

    both unknown and known -

    our home, a period,

    our motion, a verb

    an adjective


    candles burn, wax wanes,

    drips down, sputtering;

    warm glow of screen


    it was devastating

    for our parents who wrote with the fire of war burned at both ends


    “The way up and the way down are one and the same.” -- Heraclitus

    • DiamondDragon

      That's intense man. I might suggest adding some periods into your writing structure, but it's your prerogative.