Uh...how do I view the comments I've made in other snaps?
Sorry for the noob questions. Is there a place in my profile somewhere that I'm missing? Or is there no feature like that here?
9 years ago by LoboPreto
Sorry for the noob questions. Is there a place in my profile somewhere that I'm missing? Or is there no feature like that here?
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drunkenninja mentioned that they're working on making it easier to view the stuff you posted (Snaps, Text Posts, Comments) in a central location.
/u/spacepopper had a suggestion for a workaround:
Ahhh awesome! Whenever this releases Snapzu will be perfect, for me at least. The workaround for the time being works great though so thanks for that.
Speaking of which, they should add an alert system for replies. :/
it should be in your notification history + a popup
The icon with the bulleted list up top will be white when there are replies or other noteworthy things available for you.
And when you have a private message a number will jump up and down next to your avatar in the top bar.