  • exegesispieces

    1. Making a to-do list is great, but actually scheduling to-dos has really helped me out. If I have a specific time I'm supposed to do something then I'm more prone to get up and take care of it. 2. Break up larger to-dos into smaller ones. Marking things off your to-do list is very therapeutic and will help you feel like you're making progress. You can also plan out how to take care of a big task by scheduling when to take care of each step. How do you eat a whale? One bite at a time. 3. Reward yourself after finishing a task. It can be something small like a piece of candy, or it can be something big like actually taking a few guilt free hours to play a video game. It's all about programming yourself to associate a physical reward with taking care of things off your to-do list. It also helps pace yourself. These three tips usually help me become more productive.