  • voicesinmyhead

    I don't like cleaning, but I hate seeing a mess first thing in the morning significantly more. I won't go to bed unless the dishes are cleaned, kids' toys picked up off the floor, or that basket of clean laundry folded and put away. Some nights I could be totally exhausted, but I still won't get to bed until after midnight because I'm cleaning/tidying up.

    My wife certainly doesn't share this dislike of morning mess. She'll step over the toys, walk around the laundry basket, put her dirty coffee cup in the sink, and then go straight to bed. That's certainly frustrating at times. :)

    • VoyagerXyX

      The only thing I hate doing is folding/putting away laundry, but my fiancé loves how much I like to clean. I think it's the main reason why she hasn't left me :P Just kidding, but really I often hear how 'rare it is to find a man that will clean'. Nonsense! I say! Who could live with a mess like this!?