  • Wenjarich

    I have often read that using your bed for things other than sleep causes issues. The problem with this is it is not always practical. I live in a digs with 4 other people and the only place to escape and be on your own is your room. In my room the two places for me to not be standing is my desk (incredibly uncomfortable chair to relax at) and my bed. So although I can go to the tv room and read at 2 in the morning when I can't sleep, during usual times of day and night, if I want to be alone, then my room/bed it has to be.

    • ekyris

      I'm not sure of your finances, but maybe try getting a more comfortable chair? I use a bean bag chair in my room for that late night relaxing...

      Also, I think the main thing to avoid is lying down in your bed when not going to sleep. I sometimes sit up on my bed against a wall (with a pillow to help) when reading. It's not so much to avoid being on the bed, but to teach your body, "when I am lying down in this place, we should sleep."

      • Wenjarich

        These are some good points. I'll definitely give it some tbought, thanks :)