
What's a common phrase that makes virtually no sense?

What's a common phrase that makes virtually no sense?

8 years ago by kiltman with 7 comments

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  • imokruok

    I forgot my PIN number for the ATM machine.

  • FivesandSevens

    I may just be dense, but "fuck you" never really made sense to me. We all know what it means, of course, but how do those two words equal that meaning? I've always felt like there's a word missing.

    • Fuyu

      "Fuck you with a cactus" ?

  • isbnsodium (edited 8 years ago)

    The phrase "fell head over heels" (to indicate falling madly in love) doesn't seem to make sense to me, since your head is normally already over your heels. It seems like it should be "fell heels over head."

  • Triseult

    Well, for one, what does "makes virtually no sense" even mean?

  • redalastor

    You can't have your cake and eat it too.

    The whole point of having cake is to eat it! It's more of a question of when.

  • agent99

    "taking a piss" when you're leaving one