
What is the most minor thing that makes you furious?

8 years ago by 8mm with 37 comments

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  • baron778

    Idiot drivers.

    • Cobbydaler (edited 8 years ago)

      People not indicating when they should do and indicating when they don't need to.

    • Bastou

      I believe we can extend that to anyone on the public way, no mater how they move around (car, bike, feet, truck, rollerblades, skateboard, segway, motorized wheelchair...)

  • MePLUR

    could of, should of, would of

  • FivesandSevens

    People not closing doors that obviously should be closed. Basically an irrational pet peeve, but boy does it get me mad.

    • yippiekiay

      This one gets me, too. I worked retail at a sporting goods store in college and our front door would stick open if you opened it past a certain angle. I cannot tell you how many times people would walk out of the store in the middle of winter (rain, snow, didn't matter) and would notice the door failing to close behind them. All too often they would just keep on walking rather than return and close it. A couple times I even made eye contact with the person before they walked away.

      Thanks, buddy. No, don't worry, I'll get it. Its not like I'm at work or have anything else to do. /s

      • FivesandSevens

        Oh, man. That's a whole new level of infuriating. Luckily, my normal reaction is not exactly anger at the person involved, just at the fact that the door is still open. But in that situation, over time, I'm not sure I'd be so forgiving.

  • Vera

    spelling "Yeah" as 'Yea'

    • [Deleted Profile]

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    • Saffire

      What about ya? Is ya acceptable? Please say it is, because I kind of use it a lot.

  • [Deleted Profile]

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  • yippiekiay

    People who consistently defer responsibility when they're at fault for something, and instead make excuses.

    Don't say "sorry, but 'x' happened," to me, we both know that's bullshit and if you hadn't thought up that excuse you would have had a different one. Own your actions and accept the consequences, its part of being a functioning human being.

    • agent99

      my mom, picking me up from school; i'm the last kid there,
      "there was traffic"
      really? on the road you were travelling on, at the time you were travelling on it? yeah, i'm sure there was some traffic somewhere on someone's route at sometime, but i see through your white lie.

  • oystein

    Not finding my keys when I need to leave the house within 5 minutes.

  • Kalysta

    Television shows getting basic medical knowledge wrong. So many shows walk someone with metal in their bodies into an MRI room and then "turn it on", causing problems. In reality, the MRI would already be on, the MRI is always on, you don't turn that ginormous an electromagnet off without serious repercussions (namely venting the cooling system). I also watched an episode of Stargate once that required Carter to spin down her own blood. She neglected to balance the centrifuge. This made me irrationally angry.

  • hitthee (edited 8 years ago)

    A malfunctioning machine due to deliberate choices of the producing company, designer or the programmer.

    The only thing that sends me into a blind rage is when the item in question doesn't work because of something stupid like a programmer taking an obvious shortcut or they omit a feature so that you must access their paid service or replace the product. It's not that I don't know how to fix it quite the opposite it's infuriating that I know what the problem is, know the end solution but I am blocked by the producer. I know what they did to hinder it and it irks me.

    With everything else I am happy go lucky and easy going but ugh I hate working on badly designed machines especially electronics.

  • jenjen1352

    People who don't answer when they have been asked a straightforward question. Even a grunt would do!

  • tranxene

    Women who paint their nails on the train.

  • Qukatt

    If i'm telling off my kids in that way of "don't do x because it's very rude, darling" and the person they've bumped/poked/walked over.. whatever goes "it's ok!"

    no. it's not ok. They need to learn that walking into people is unacceptable, they need to learn that picking flowers out of someone's garden without permission is unacceptable, they need to know that walking away from a person who's trying to talk to them is rude and not on. I don't care if you think it's ok cause they're young, i think that if they don't learn now they will never learn .

    it may seem like a small stupid thing but it's having manners in those small silly insignificant things that gives a good impression and makes them better people.

    I'd rather have gossip about me for being a strict parent than my kids being rude and entitled.

    BONUS: people who can't use a chair correctly, the fuck is wrong with you?! ((that video of Riker sitting down on chairs wrong is like some sort of 7th circle of hell))

  • idlethreat

    "lack of situational awareness" really bothers me.

    Those are the people who stand and chat on the sidewalk, blocking others from passing. Who line up 5 across in 5K's, basically blocking everyone behind them from advancing without forcing a full run. Who stand there and read the back of a label in the grocery store, ignoring the 3 people behind them trying to get to something on that shelf. Who inexplicably stop in a door way (or immediately after it), forcing others to queue up to go through.

    It's times like that I put on my big boy voice and announce myself COMING THROUGH or ON YOUR LEFT and plow my way through the obstruction. It helps I'm a grizzly 6'4" and am quite loud when the need arises. But yeah, that really fucking bugs me.

  • Bastou

    Anyone blocking the entire way, while being totally oblivious of people around them wanting to pass by.

    • RandomHuman

      As a biker who often rides on mixed use trails, I agree! Nothing worse than a family of 4 who are obliviously spread across the entire trail and walking at a snails pace.

  • Flmnesia

    Waking up in the middle of the night when it's cold out. That's usually not a problem because I'm under my comforter, warm and comfy. The problem is, 2 minutes later I have to pee. I can't ignore it and go back sleep because now I have to pee REALLY fucking bad. That's when I get up and drag my happy ass to the bathroom pissed off and mumbling under my breath the whole way.

    • Qukatt

      it's when you get back to bed and you can't quite find that comfy position you got up from ever again.

    • agent99

      "i have to pee" is what woke you up! lucky it did too...

  • agent99

    people who pretend they're invisible in public... your cloaking device is not working! i see you!
    don't shove around me in the market and grab stuff off the shelves while i'm politely waiting for others to finish grabbing their stuff, rather than butting my way in, creating a shoving food grabbing frenzy!

  • Appaloosa

    People who say you should leave the toilet seat down...

  • Muffintop

    People reading brainless tabloids. Makes me want to yell: why are you wasting your time on these, don't you realise that if anything they make you dumb? (and rasistic, xenophobic etc., etc.)

  • frohawk

    ripping a stinky one while I'm in the room (or not). That stink lingers and we can't open windows.

  • ajuptown

    The screeching sounds that old blackboards used to make, i would go insane

  • Traveler

    People talking on cell phones in restaurants & cafes --- IMO all restaurants and cafes should be required to jam cell phone reception

  • Gozzin

    People walking around talking loudly into their phones. I really do not want to hear your conversation!

    • Muffintop

      This is my biggest fear - talking too loud into my phone.. so I usually do the opposite: talk too quietly and nobody can hear me well, even the person phoning me :p