  • gabe2068

    I'm 14 so I am positive this won't be the most amazing thing I ever see but growing up in Houston, I had never really seen the stars. I mean obviously you can always see a few but never many. I would compare it to seeing a couple of grains of sand strewn across black paper. One day my dad and my mom drove out to some remote part of the outskirts of Houston. Very little light pollution. I was in awe at how many stars there actually was. How vast the universe is. It reminded me of how little of a portion of this whole process I am. I mean nothing to the universe. I stared in awe wondering if there was more intelligent life out there, would one of them be doing something similar to me right now? Looking up at the stars and wondering about the universe? I rode home in the back of the truck, even though it is illegal, staring upwards. It was a surreal experience that I experienced alone, which I am thankful for.