
What is something you can definitely cook without looking at the recipe?

9 years ago by belangermira with 29 comments

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  • idlethreat

    Ooh. Spaghetti sauce. just need a pile of tomatoes, butter, onion. better than anything out of a can. I don't know an exact recipe for spaghetti, i'm sure I can wing it. Perhaps I was a old italian grandmother in a previous life?

    • Appaloosa

      No Italian grandmother would put butter in her gravy!

  • Maternitus

    There are so many things to name, it's a nice necessity for starters. I love slowcooking and some of my favourites are Rendang Padang (an Indonesian beef stew), Stoverij (Belgian meat stew prepared with, of course, beer) and several curry dishes. HMMMM. And winter is coming, best time of the year for those type of dishes.

  • Urbanknight4


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  • roxxy

    The most complicated one I can think of is lasagna.

  • hitthee (edited 9 years ago)

    Well any of my recipes as I came up with them

    but here are other peoples recipes I can make from memory

    Meats: Smoked Cajun ribs, Russian smoked ham, English pub style fish, clay baked dilled trout, chestnut stuffed Cornish game hen, stout beef, gogigui, stroganoff, wine rubbed rack of lamb.

    Vegetable dishes: Potatoes au gratin, eggplant parmesan, Caesar salad from scratch, Carrots with Spiced Yogurt, Roasted Cauliflower with Grapes, broccoli salad and Pomegranate Brussels Sprouts

    Soups and stews: hillbilly bean soup, Irish stew, leek and potato soup, split pea soup, orange ginger soup, lamb stew, borsht, wild mushroom and leek soup, French onion soup and udon noodle soup.

    Deserts: poached pears in red wine, lemon posset, apple crisp, gelato, figgy pudding with lemon brandy curd, seven chocolate soufflé and anpan!

    I can also make bread from memory :P

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  • frohawk

    Fresh pasta, pasta sauce, muffins, pancakes, bread, steak, stew, potato soup, hash browns, french toast, bread pudding, roasted chicken, stir fry, and crepes.

    Once you know the basics, you can make a lot of stuff. But this is stuff I for sure know because I went through a phase of cooking them 3 times a week.

  • FivesandSevens

    Gobi Matar - a.k.a. cauliflower and peas curry. It used to be one of the only ways to get my kids to eat lots of veggies in one sitting, so I made it about once a week.

  • Gozzin

    Well anything I cook a lot such as souffle.

  • smithcmau

    I may be functionally deficient, but grilled cheese and omelettes, otherwise I require a list of ingredients and explicit instructions. I have the culinary skills of Bender from Futurama.

    • racerxonclar

      Scrambled eggs and hot dogs here :D Yes, I live out of a microwave.... stop judging >.>

  • Nerdeiro

    Instant noodles. And Honey-mustard chicken.

  • Bastou (edited 9 years ago)

    The recipe for BĂ©chamel sauce (a good sauce on its own, but also the base of many, many others) is actually quite simple, at least the original Italian one is : flour, butter and milk. You can add salt, pepper and nutmeg, as well as cheese if you feel fancy.

    Edit: It's pronounced the same (and incidentally has a common etymological root), but you don't need any petals in your sauce. ;-)

  • ttubravesrock

    pyrohy/pirogi are probably my most complicated recipe-free cooking that I do.

    However, I don't really use a recipe for anything unless I'm baking something besides bread.

    I don't run a restaurant, so consistency/repetition is not important to me when cooking. Experimenting is.

    • Bastou

      I feel the same about improvising to some extent every time.

  • spectregris

    Penne and meat sauce. It's pretty much meat, basil, oregano, garlic powder onion powder and ragu with some penne.

  • takkane

    I'm sad to say that probably nothing, I need to know how much time things need to cook and such and I am always distracted and forget it :(