  • HgFin

    I found a great video on building a gaming PC a while ago, very useful for learning where the parts go and how to install them.

    • Ryvaeus

      LinusTechTips is a great channel. Linus is funny, friendly, and approachable enough to be a pretty effective teacher regarding all things tech. I also highly recommend his companion channel, Techquickie. His video, "What is a Core i3, Core i5, or Core i7 as Fast As Possible," is something I still refer friends/family to to this day.

      • HgFin

        Yeah I agree. I've been checking out his channel recently because soon I will be building my own gaming PC, something I've been wanting to do for a while now. He is an extremely friendly and funny guy, and makes everything easy and understandable.

        • Ryvaeus

          Best of luck to you with your upcoming rig! Don't be afraid to ask for help if you're ever unsure about any aspect of your build. /t/buildapc exists!