  • jenjen1352

    I currently have a swollen parotid gland, which amongst other unpleasant effects has partially paralysed my tongue (bends to the left. Weird) and my swallowing reflex. This means that any nourishment is likely to end up in my lungs as well as my stomach. To minimise my chance of accidental death I have had to resort to liquids only.

    I have lost 8lbs this last month alone.

    • AdelleChattre

      bends to the left

      Do you find this gives you powers of concentration? I sometimes find myself doing that unconsciously for focus.

      had to resort to liquids

      Solids are for showoffs, braggarts and Instagram users.

      I have lost 8lbs this last month alone.

      I don’t know if you already have it, or what’s in stock down at the local Tesco or what-have-you, or even what your medical brain trust would say about it, but I’d bet you can find protein powder with BCAAs and, conceivably, even glutamine nearby.

      Not like you needed a Mr Hyde potion, or anything, I mean.

      • jenjen1352

        I stick my tongue between my lip-protected teeth when I'm concentrating. That function has not been affected.

        Yes, I could get all that stuff, but I kept thinking things would start working again any moment. Milk seems to be an acceptable substitute, plus it is not too unpleasant to cough back up. The thicker the fluid the worse it is. (The tomato soup experiment was a disaster.)

        I have been tempted to prowl the streets at night, looking for suitable victims, but sadly it's been raining rather a lot. Offputting.

    • Appaloosa

      It would be so nice to just pop that out.

      • jenjen1352

        Ohh yes it would. I keep fingering it, looking for weak spots...