
What is ruined because too many people do it?

What is ruined because too many people do it?

8 years ago by kiltman with 10 comments

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  • Yamadori

    Reddit. It used to be a site that aggregated quality articles for techophiles.

  • gottlieb


    • SuperCyan

      I always wanted to blog, until I realized everyone else has one.

      I would love to run a gaming site, where I give games reviews that go beyond "It's CoD, 10/10," but there's so many blogs that I would just get lost in the noise.

  • NinjaKlaus

    Driving. My family members, especially my grandparents like to tell stories of driving all over North Georgia, Carolina and Tennessee just on a whim on Sunday afternoons because it was cheap, easy and there was always somewhere new just to stop, a park, lake, etc.

    Today I spend hours in traffic to go 19.7 miles each way, on sunday mornings I get up and leave for Church which is less than 10 miles away at 8:00 almost 30 minutes early just to make it on time. I just don't see how I could ever just hop in the car and drive 2-3 hours to another state and back in one day and still have enough time to enjoy myself at some random fishing spot in BFE.

  • Bastou (edited 8 years ago)


    Not everywhere, but take the Cinque terre (five lands) in Italy, they are 5 tiny villages (between 500 and 2000 inhabitants each) built by hand over the centuries between cliff and sea. No car can get there (or they couldn't until very recently), stunningly beautiful landscapes made even better by the intimacy of the place, until the 50 000 tourists a day arrive, that is.

    • SuperCyan

      When my family would go on trips, they loved going to all of the tourist traps. Gatlinburg was the worst.

      To me, a good vacation would be going to a National Park and camping in the woods, and then maybe driving through the mountains to find cool places to stop off and hike through. I'm really into photography, and it's hard to take good shots when every person is trying to take the same picture from the same spot at the same time. I always end up going to less populated areas and grabbing a few pictures. That way, I'm getting a less popular shot, there's less people in my way, and I don't have to worry about blocking any paths.

  • JohnnyCache

    Amusement parks and swimming in public pools.

    • IridescentOak

      To be honest, I'd be pretty spooked to go to an empty amusement/water park. I'm just so used to seeing them full of people that I would think something secret is horribly wrong with the place!

      • NinjaKlaus

        At six flags in Georgia we were there one time and all morning it poured rain something terrible, so bad they asked us inside the buildings and not to leave until it was over. Once the real bad part ended thousands I'd guess decided to go home. I think us and a group of about 100 other people had the park pretty much to ourselves that day, they were letting us ride rides over again without getting off if we didn't want to because there were no other people to get on.

        On the one hand it was a little creepy now I think about it, but that day, it was awesome.