  • Lawdog

    Both. I get along with most pets, my neighbors' little rat dogs being the exception, but they don't like anybody.

    • schrodingersman

      Yeah my neighbors have a little chihuahua that I can't stand. I call him little Satan. It's more of the fact that they leave him on the back porch all night which is about 10 feet from my bedroom window. He yaps at anything that moves during the night which can be constantly due to the stray cats that are all over the neighborhood.

      • fanficmistress

        I agree. Chihuahua's are known for being a one person dog which leads to a lot of their issues. Plus little dog complex lol. The yapping is a big thing with little dogs as well although my beagle can whine and bark like no other when there are stray cats or other small animals around.

      • Lawdog

        If a little dog knows you from a young age, it's great. If it doesnt, it's just annoying. My neighbor's dogs wander into my yard all the time, bit I've never gotten closer than 10 feet from one of them. It's like they have radar.