  • QuietKerfuffle (edited 8 years ago)

    Hey! I just started Way of Kings. Does he start sticking with a specific character soon? I'm really enjoying the world building and the lashing magic, but he seems to be jumping around narrative wise.

    • TheGuyThatsMeh

      The book changes point of views frequently. The most frequent one being Kaladin, I loved the whole book but most people agree that is really all about the last 1/3. The focus of Way of Kings is Kaladin and for Words of Radiance is Shallan.

    • NstealthL

      Way of Kings is a tough read initially because he's introducing all these new characters and the world. Once everything settles, you'll notice how quickly it picks up and the focus on Kaladin. Sanderson's plan for the series is that each novel focuses on a different character (as /u/TheGuyThatsMeh ) mentioned. If you look at the Wiki page it mentions who is the planned focus for each book.