
Snapzites, what is your favorite book of all time?

9 years ago by gillman378 with 31 comments

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  • Skry

    The Harry Potter series, specifically Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I already loved reading as kid, but for this one my grandma went to the midnight release at Walmart? I think it was who knows. Anyway she got it for me and brought it to me the day that I left for Boy Scout camp, I was so happy! I spent most of my time at camp reading it to there point where I didn't notice that my nose was bleeding and it was getting all over my beloved book! ...and then some jerk decided to tell me Sirius dies while I was reading by the basketball court.

    • Espeon

      I made the mistake of logging into Neopets while I was halfway through reading OOTP. So many "SIRIUS DIES" threads ;(

  • gabe2068

    People would probably hate me for this, but the lightning thief. It was the book that got me into reading.

    • TheGuyThatsMeh

      Hey man! The Percy Jackson series is pretty great and we always look at our first love with nostlagia.

      • QuietKerfuffle

        I have very fond memories of Clive Cussler pulp novels even though I can recognize how formulaic and Mary Sueish they are.

    • SakuraPanko

      I don't know very many people who would give you hate for this. This series was MY "Harry Potter." First book series where I awaited each release and made sure to get each new book on release day. I remember being so excited for the movie when it came out. The movie was my "The Last Airbender."

  • gillman378

    Mine right now would have to be Name of the Wind

    • massani

      That was such a phenomenal book. I was sucked in from the get-go. Patrick Rothfuss has an incredible voice.

  • itsthenewmeta

    Das Glück in glücksfernen Zeiten by Wilhelm Genazino

  • Fooferhill

    The Stand-Stephen King. Epic good vs evil.

  • Ralid

    Many of the books that I've read have usually been very near to my heart, so it's hard to place my finger on my favourite book of all time. It has to be a tie between Dune, To Kill a Mockingbird, Enders Game, one of the many books of The Rangers Apprentice, or one of the Percy Jackson books.

  • whyruslacking

    My two all time favorites are the Belgariad series and The Giver.

  • pineapplepewpew

    I have been recently fond of Murakami and in particular Kafka on the Shore. Such a wonderfully bizarre story.


    I REALLY enjoyed Ender's Game. Although it's hard to say if it's my all time favorite or not. The Harry Potter series holds a place in my nostalgic child-like heart. The same heart that was almost broken when I found out how much of a bigot Orson Scott Card is.

  • christhemicguy

    Hands down, Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut. Such a creative way of addressing the horrors of war.

  • TheGuyThatsMeh (edited 9 years ago)

    All time is too hard a question for me to answer. Favorite book in the last year though? That would be The Way Of Kings.

    My favorite historical book in the last year would be Battle Cry of Freedom.

    • QuietKerfuffle (edited 9 years ago)

      Hey! I just started Way of Kings. Does he start sticking with a specific character soon? I'm really enjoying the world building and the lashing magic, but he seems to be jumping around narrative wise.

      • TheGuyThatsMeh

        The book changes point of views frequently. The most frequent one being Kaladin, I loved the whole book but most people agree that is really all about the last 1/3. The focus of Way of Kings is Kaladin and for Words of Radiance is Shallan.

      • NstealthL

        Way of Kings is a tough read initially because he's introducing all these new characters and the world. Once everything settles, you'll notice how quickly it picks up and the focus on Kaladin. Sanderson's plan for the series is that each novel focuses on a different character (as /u/TheGuyThatsMeh ) mentioned. If you look at the Wiki page it mentions who is the planned focus for each book.

  • Ranmaru

    Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami. It's the only book ever I read more than twice.

  • massani

    I'm not sure if I actually have a favorite book, but the first book that did come to mind was The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides. It was such a haunting and beautiful book. The movie is excellent as well!

  • Guilhem

    Kids book : Matilda

    Teen : Ender's Game

    Adult : The Stranger (Camus)

  • kraftykitty

    I am a real sucker for the author John Green. Looking for Alaska, Paper Towns, and The Fault in Our Stars are all amazing reads. His skills with the English language make me laugh, cry, and rage.

  • utesred

    State of Fear - Michael Crichton

  • Hibou (edited 9 years ago)

    This has changed for me over the years a few times. Initially it was The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke, then it was The Giver by Lowis Lowry for many years, and while many will likely disagree with my current favourite book of all time... It's The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice. There are several reasons for this, and none of which because I'm some vampire romanticist.

    The writing style is what initially pulled me in, and kept me re-reading the book until it split in half from wear and tear (bought a new copy). It's a very unique flavour coupled with a first person view, which isn't often done well in literature. The main character himself is someone incredibly relatable - his aspirations for better, challenging things around him, his reactions to events forced on him are all very well emoted through words. Now, I'm not saying ALL the Vampire Chronicles are well-done, as I honestly haven't re-read Interview With The Vampire in years, nor have I read The Vampire Armand more than once. Blood and Gold, The Queen of the Damned, Blackwood Farm, and even Merrick are all volumes I've enjoyed over and over. Usually the others capture me for their dive into history, as Rice truly has a knack for weaving tales within the past.

  • enethanniel (edited 9 years ago)

    I'd say The Three Musketeers. It's got a good bit of intrigue set in a relatively unknown period of history (to native English speakers), action, romantic elements, it's not too serious about itself, and all the protagonists and antagonists are very interesting and not entirely sympathetic characters. It's the book I recommend whenever somebody says that the 'classics' are slow and boring, and it's easy enough to interest people because most people have seen movies or know who d'Artagnan is. It does help to read a decent translation though.

  • Gozzin

    SF: It's a tie between The Enemy Papers Barry Longyear and the Miles saga by Louis McMaster Bujold.

    Fiction: The Medieval Mysteries s by Alan Bordon. I can't pick one. No,no,no!.

  • thinkerbell

    I read The Hobbit when I was a teenager and again a few years ago. It is one of the most fun and engaging books I have ever read. If you didn't care for the movies, don't be afraid to give the book a try anyways- the vibe is fun and lighthearted, and in my opinion is very different from the movies (which I really enjoyed too).