What is something typical of your country/region, but not too widely known outside of it? People must try to guess the country/region in the replies.
Just say something that your country or region has that is typical, it can be a dish, an attitude, a known personality, certain product, whatever, but that is not necessarily widely known all over the world, but don't name the place. In replies, people must try to guess the place you meant.
You don't have to actually be from the place or live there, if you know it well enough to name such a thing, that's fine.
9 years ago by Bastou
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Chitlin's, Y'all!
(edit: oh, come on, people.)
try harder! ;)
Well, I'm not from the US and English isn't my first language, so I'm not fully aware of all the states and cities' reputations there...
I'll give it a second try, and then I'll let the others try and guess : Mississippi.
Good guess! I lived in Mississippi for several years growing up, so I'll give you credit for it.
But, anywhere in the Southeast would have done nicely. Good job!
Thanks, but I don't have much merit : I had to Google chitlin and approximate with my best knowledge of American history and geography, and I hesitated between that one and Louisiana.
Though it made for a very interesting read about typical South and Southern Midwest culinary traditions and where it came from, along with a small part of American history I wasn't so much aware of, at least that small detail. Thank you for that!
"The time is now 4:20. Puff, puff, pass."
Colorado? hell. no fair. there's like a dozen states now that have passed legislation.
Colorado is correct. :) Even before legislation was passed it was typical of the area.
Toasted ravioli
Provel cheese
And The Hill
[This comment was removed]
The most photographed hotel in the world.
Edit: Come on! All you have to do is copy-paste that sentence into Google and voilà !
The one that can be seen in a Pokémon movie? :)
The one and only!
Mountain, fjords and reserved people. lol
Roll for initiative!
Based on your comment and username, I'd guess you worship at the house of Avandra, goddess of change, luck and travel, and patron of the Halflings.
It's been a bit since I've played dnd, so I forget all of the gods.
dnd is huge in my area though.
Canada, eh? Is there a particular region of it that is reknown for its eh!, eh ?
Edit: forgot the extra eh, eh?
we RIDE snowmachines.