  • remez

    First human colony on another planet. Not the first settlers, but second generation, people born on another planet. Ideally, a colony totally independent from Earth, able to survive on its own (but I don't think I will live for so long).

    • Inconceivable

      How about the inevitable war for planetary independence? That would be an amazing piece of history to live through.

      • remez

        Have you read "Moon is a Harsh Mistress" by Heinlein?

        • Inconceivable

          I haven't, but I'm always up for a good sci fi. I know I need to read the Red Mars series, and I'll put this one on the list.

          Damn, I love libraries!

          • remez

            This book is very good, in my opinion, and exactly matches your previous comment :)

      • ColonBowel

        Mars would be the Red Coats this time.