  • NstealthL

    Agreed on the Japan! Always been my dream to go backpacking through the country. My neighbor managed to do it before me and showed me some pictures, and now me and my best friend decided we should do it together at some point in the next 10-15 years. Doesn't help when I keep meeting people who've lived there for a while or grown-up there.

    • massani

      Yeah, it definitely does not help when you've known people who have been there. I don't think anyone I have met say that they didn't like Japan (except my professor, but I doubt he has even been there lol). This video is probably one of my favorites. Then again, I'm a sucker for travel videos.

      • NstealthL

        Yeah I've rarely heard anything extremely negative from my friends that have been there or are currently there. And thanks for the awesome video share! I'm just gonna have to start collecting these to pump up the excitement...