  • idlethreat

    Let's see...

    Friday before last I got hijacked by the president of the company. He was wanting me to build and deploy a 4-device Hyper-V VM stack in Azure (2 app, 1db, 1 active directory) for a client project. He had problems setting up credit card billing too, so wanted me to fix that as well. Oh, and had to be done by Thursday. So, I had a 72 turn around time to handle a stack of technologies I've never touched before.

    Within 12 hours I figured out the billing problem, learned the ins and outs of azure management, built my first azure network (you need separate VLANS, y'all), 3 boxes, one DB, created, and joined devices into my first domain. Wrapped it up with full documentation within 24 hours.

    Reasonably proud of the turn around time. Especially since it touched a number of technologies I haven't worked with before.