  • MrRogers

    I'd tell myself to consider an internship while in college.

    When I was in college, I was really all about partying and making money to party. I ended up landing a really sweet gig in real estate, making more than I should have. It had very little to do with what I was studying, but it afforded me a lifestyle that I enjoyed at the time. Then 2008 happened, and I got thrust into a job market that didn't need my work experience, and I had to play some serious catch-up to get where I needed to be.

    No real ground-shaking advice for myself, overall I am very happy with how my life is turning out. However, I do think if I had just been a bit more focused on developing my skills and not worried about being able to throw a bomb-ass house party, I probably would be closer to my long term goals right now.