
Snapzu's non-beer drinkers, what is your favorite drink?

Alcoholic, of course.

9 years ago by papervoid with 21 comments

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  • Boop

    I'm a big fan of White Russians.

  • nightships

    Can't go wrong with vodka+sprite! I'm a fan of the flavored ones.

  • sarcasimo

    I've been enjoying Crown Royal Apple and 7up lately, along with various sake.

    • papervoid

      I had Hana lychee sake for the first time the other day and it was divine.

  • oystein (edited 9 years ago)


    Alcoholic drink: Champagne.

    • Bastou

      OP said "Alcoholic, of course", so I'm guessing you're talking about caffè corretto (corrected coffee, you know what I'm talking about!).

      • oystein

        For some reason I didn't see that. I'll correct my answer to be more within the theme of alcoholic beverages.

  • galactica216

    The older i get the harder alcohol is on my body. Chardonnay is the one alcoholic beverage that I can indulge in and still get out of bed feeling normal in the morning.

  • Chinky (edited 9 years ago)

    Dark and Stormy (dark rum and ginger beer) or a Dirty Banana (1 ounce rum-based coffee liqueur, 1 ounce rum cream, 2 ounces milk, 1/2 ounce simple syrup, 1/2 banana, 1 cup ice) if I am some place tropical.

    Edit: added recipes.

    • papervoid

      Is the Dirty Banana blended like smoothie?

  • Xeno

    I've been drinking a lot of martinis recently, 3:1 gin to vermouth.

  • Hedgehogjawn

    Right now, it's Buttershots. I had always heard about it, but never tried it. AMAZING. I have always done that shivery shake thing whenever I drink. Not sure why. I don't do that with buttershots. I can take the shot and be totally fine.

    I may have already had a few. ;)

  • Civil

    Decent Vodka + just about anything.

  • TNY

    JD Honey and coke... mmmhmmm

  • MyAnacondaDoes

    Recently had a virgin drink called the Semi-Sassy Senorita, actually very tasty. It's just fruit punch combined with coconut and pineapple, but very good.

  • RoMS

    Coca-Cola is love.

  • woo

    I like combining Sierra Mist with orange or apple juice. It adds a nice fizziness, and softens some of the tang of orange juice.

  • spaceghoti

    I've been really enjoying Xing Tea, particularly the green tea and blueberry flavors.