  • rosellem

    Racism. sorry, I'm a pessimist.

    Slightly more seriously, genetic and cyborg enhancement. Is it playing god to mess with your the genes of your child before birth? What are the ethics of technological enhancement?

    • imokruok

      Opposition to germinal choice was big in 90's. "Playing god" is medically recommended today. By 2050, think sea-monkeys.

    • crincon

      You what? That is very optimistic, I hope you're right!

      If you can protest about racism, or technology or whatever, then things are just fine really. Pessimistic would be, when we're not allowed to protest at all. Now that's us fucked.

      ... although, really, things are never so bad that they can't get worse, huh. We could be protesting that we have nothing to eat. Yikes.

      But nah, I'm an optimist, too, I'll say racism as well. And sexism, whatever other isms, and the government. Oh and the pernicious effect of videogames on children, of course, that never gets old, ha.