
What will people be protesting in 2050?

8 years ago by geoleo with 15 comments

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  • rosellem

    Racism. sorry, I'm a pessimist.

    Slightly more seriously, genetic and cyborg enhancement. Is it playing god to mess with your the genes of your child before birth? What are the ethics of technological enhancement?

    • imokruok

      Opposition to germinal choice was big in 90's. "Playing god" is medically recommended today. By 2050, think sea-monkeys.

    • crincon

      You what? That is very optimistic, I hope you're right!

      If you can protest about racism, or technology or whatever, then things are just fine really. Pessimistic would be, when we're not allowed to protest at all. Now that's us fucked.

      ... although, really, things are never so bad that they can't get worse, huh. We could be protesting that we have nothing to eat. Yikes.

      But nah, I'm an optimist, too, I'll say racism as well. And sexism, whatever other isms, and the government. Oh and the pernicious effect of videogames on children, of course, that never gets old, ha.

  • ToixStory (edited 8 years ago)

    That the local warlord is hoarding too much of his share of canned beans from before The War.

    But really, we're probably going to be having big debates about synthetic technology, cyborgs, privacy as technology as part of our bodies becomes common, etc. Also, racism is almost certainly going to be debated as African nations take a much larger presence on the world stage and demographic shifts in many Western countries (particularly the US and Canada) are going to forever change the racial and cultural compositions of those nations.

  • cunt

    The government, unfair working conditions.

    In France: Everything

  • SevenTales

    Mass surveillance and transhumanism.

  • nauthas

    With the movement going on near where I used to live- there right to protest. On a more universal note- transhumanism. On a smaller scale then movies however I believe the terrorist organisations, protests and riots will be formed around whether technology is pushing too far and whether we should pay companies to "improve" ourselves. I hate to say "Deus-ex-style" because generally movies and games can be so off point into the future, however I think it's on our doorstep so the connection is fitting.

  • Snpdragon

    I hope we will be protesting the corporate control over government, but I doubt it.

    Really we will be protesting something small like genetically modified bees and if they are ok to release into the wild as a way of helping the bee population that Monsanto killed with round up.

    • BucksinSixxx

      I think by 2050 a big political scandal will break about mega corporations using politicians, and some undeniable proof will come out.

  • massani

    Police militarization, mega corporations (and private militias), ethics of robotics and the advancement of AI, and you could probably lump transhumanism in there as well. So all in all, basically Deus Ex.

  • ColonBowel

    Blaming anything that happens in the US on the President.

  • oystein

    Legislation against flying cars.

  • septimine

    Increased oxygen levels for Martian slums.