  • folkrav (edited 8 years ago)

    Some stuff I used to eat as a kid (and still do sometimes, thanks grandma):

    - Slice of white bread, brown sugar and cream.
    - Dip my pizza in ketchup. Way too much ketchup.
    - Actually, I just love that Heinz a bit too much. Pretty much anything salty is good with ketchup to me. Veggies, meat, name it, I probably tried it with ketchup at least once.
    - Chicken drumsticks with a Diet Coke based sauce (YUMMY STUFF)
    - I kind of put anything in my hamburgers.

    I like eating too much, so I try to restrain myself and not eat all that stuff though. Trying to lose weight (got at least 30 pounds to lose, but just began training last week, so far so good)!

    • 90boss

      Slice of bread with yogurt and sugar. Cheap mans desert.

      • folkrav

        Yeah, had to cut down on that though, as I discovered I have a pretty bad lactose intolerance. There are lactose free options for milk/cream and cheese, but they're goddamn expensive, and I don't want to rely on Lactaid (lactase enzyme) all the time, so I cut down on dairy products. Which is a shame, cause I really love cheese, ice cream and pretty much every goddamn pastry out there.

        I'm a sad lactose intolerant man :(