  • cunt (edited 8 years ago)

    Honey and thinly sliced red onions in a granary bread sandwich

    Seaweed sheets and nutella

    Tomato Jam

    Cucumber sandwiches - Thinly sliced cucumber on mothers pride with salted organic scottish butter

    • AinBaya

      Wow, those sound kinda weird but also quite appetizing at the same time

    • NameTaken

      Tomato jam is basically ketchup right?

      • cunt

        No. Tomato jam is completely different from tomato sauce. Think rhubarb or bramble jam

        • NameTaken

          I can only think of strawberry jam. That's the only flavour I've had.

    • darkbum

      Seaweed sheets and nutella? Seaweed sheets and nutella. Oh. Ok.