  • neg8ivezero

    Awesome goal, my friend! I think it is wonderful for you to see your own judgement and want to change it- it is inspiring :)

    My take on judgement is that we will probably always judge to some degree, however, this is not an excuse to give up on trying to be non-judgmental. The first step is to stop voicing judgement. Voicing judgement is a choice, it is an action, not a thought. You can stop doing anything even if you can't stop thinking it. Focus first on controlling judgmental behavior/speech.

    Another thing to try out is to identify places in your life where you see judgement and seek out opinions that could counter your judgement. Example: Lets say you have noticed that you judge religious people fairly harshly. Why not head over to /t/Christianity and have a civil conversation with a few people over there, they might change your mind.

    To me, the key is to start with action and soon you'll take away the habit and all that is left is working on the point of view which is solved by learning where people are coming from. A good saying that I have kept over the years is "It is impossible to hate someone when you know their story."