  • DCSpud

    When they carry their pet in their arms, and have their toddler on a leash.

    • Medicine

      Hey I carry my little dog around sometimes. It's hard on them to walk miles and miles

      • redalastor (edited 8 years ago)

        And exercise is good for the kids.

        • RedditExodus

          Idk, man, leashes aren't fun (I get some kids like to run off and you can't be omnipresent but they still aren't fun)

          • BucksinSixxx

            My dog LOVES hers. (Because it means she's going for a walk)

      • FamousFellah

        If they've had a lot of consistent exercise it's fine. I've seen a Dachshund summit South Sister, which is a 6-mile hike each way with about 5000 ft of elevation gain. The little bastard was grinning and bouncing around like the hike was just a warm-up.

    • frohawk

      You've actually seen bullshit like that?