
What's the absolute worst thing you've ever smelled?

I left out a milk jug out in the sun for what I think was like 2 weeks and accidentally spilled it on my carpet. Now I can't get the damn smell out, and it smells NASTY.

8 years ago by baron778 with 23 comments

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  • Appaloosa

    Rotten meat...but the gaggy part was having eaten a piece of it first...

    • Gozzin

      How sick it it make you?

      • Appaloosa

        Luckily I didn't get sick!...I sure was expecting to though

    • ckshenn

      Ughh I know that smell.

  • mcsmitheslc

    Tonsil stones. Little balls of bacteria, old food, saliva, snot, and other stuff the collects at the back of your throat. I am fastidious on oral hygiene but got one of these when I was battling an infection. Smell like death and rot.

    • pixelboot

      I get these sometimes when my allergies get bad. They're the worst things on the planet, and they make me very self-conscious.

  • drunkenninja

    A while back my fridge/freezer combo died on me when I was on vacation (4 month old appliance!), when I returned I noticed a slight smell but it wasn't until I opened the fridge that I got that first whiff of the worst thing I ever smelled. Ended up dry heaving for a few minutes and later having to replace the unit as the stench was impossible to get out.

  • ClarkKent

    I do have to say leaving a sack of potatoes out is probably the worst thing you can do to your enemy or yourself!

    • Boudicca

      When ever I smell rotten potatoes- which remarkably is sooooo bad, I think about how horrible it must have smelled in the Irish countryside during the potato blight and ensuing famine.

  • Zeus

    A promotional giveaway for Lobo comics: a cardboard cutout of Lobo's scratch and sniff armpit.

    Protip: Do not scratch and sniff Lobo's armpit.

  • ttubravesrock

    there have been lots of things that have made me feel repulsed, but the only smells that have actually caused a physical reaction (eyes watering, nose burning) are coffee and cigarettes. I'd rather smell rotten meat or shit.

  • Traveler (edited 8 years ago)

    Not only one of the worst smelling things but also one that I've eaten ... "Stinking Bishop" acclaimed as Britain's stinkiest cheese.

    Think of the stink emanating from a huge pile of teenagers' sneakers, where each teenager has a really really bad case of athlete's foot. Nowhere close! This stuff is so far beyond that! This stuff is unreal! Hold your breath when you eat it!

  • ckshenn

    In chemistry class many moons ago I smelled a compound that what felt like burned my nose off.

  • NinjaKlaus

    We used to go camping a lot, we bought a pop-up camper one year and it had a microwave in it. Somebody forgot to throw out a plate of eggs and sausage and it sat in that camper for upwards of a year before I finally found it. Oh my god it was fucking horrible. The microwave was thrown out, it was worth the money to buy a new one rather than try and clean it.

  • 0r4n9e

    Two things:

    Moldy bread, because I once ate a bit too much of a slice before noticing and now it just makes me really sick to my stomac.

    Street corner urine. You know the smell. It's not normal urine, it's some kind of super-urine. Probably because it's usually full of alcohol. And often mixed with confused-dog-urine.

  • pixelboot

    When my brothers and I were kids, we were convinced the basement was haunted. We also saw on TV that garlic keeps away vampires. Following this logic, we thought 1) vampires are basically ghosts, and 2) onions are basically garlic. So we proceeded to hid onions throughout our parents basement and not tell anyone. Now this wasn't a small basement either - it was a very large, fully finished basement with a home theatre, computer room, wine room, cold cellar, "play room", and washroom.

    Well we forgot about those onions almost as quick as we laid them out. Days, weeks, and months went by and the basement started to smell, more and more as time went on. No one knew what it was. Now we hid these onions well - dropped one in the wall near the fuse box, up under a couch (not down under the cushions, but up the other way), under the stairs in the storage room, etc. No one could pinpoint where this smell was coming from. It wasn't constant either, it would come when someone walked by quickly creating a draft, or when the AC kicked in. My Dad changed the AC filters, but that did nothing. We picked up the mess in the basement, emptied all the garbages, and vacuumed the floors (a typically "deep" clean), but the smell just got worse and worse. Eventually my parents hired professional cleaners to come do the carpets to clear everything up.

    Sure enough, all that effort did nothing. By now the basement just wreaked of a mix of heavily fragranced soap, chemical cleaners, and a thick, putrid, musky smell of rotting. It was enough to make you gag. My parents stopped going down there completely unless absolutely necessary, and my brothers and I only played down there if we wanted the big toys that couldn't be brought up.

    Then one day, after about 6 months of flat out avoiding the basement, I went down stairs to get a blanket to bring up. It was stuck in part of the couch and I had to reach up under it to get it loose so it wouldn't rip. It was there that I found a clump of black goo, slightly larger than my fist, with flakes of light brown onion skin. It instantly came rushing back to me what we did and what the smell was all this time. I grabbed an empty grocery bag and scrambled through the basement picking up all of what was left of the onions we had hid. I tied the bag up as tightly and in as many knots as I could manage and stuffed it deep in the garbage bin to hide the evidence.

    The smell never came back, and I've never, ever told anyone this story. My parents still have no idea what it was. But it was by far, the absolute worst thing I have ever smelt.