  • drunkenninja

    In no particular order:

    - House
    - Breaking Bad
    - Lost
    - Prison Break
    - Game of Thrones
    - X-Files
    - Orange is the New Black
    - Mad Men

    • caelreth

      Some good ones on there, for sure :)

    • Harold

      I binged lost in less than a week. It was an intense ride and I wish I could see it all over again for the first time.

      • drunkenninja

        I've dreamt of temporary amnesia just so I can watch the show all over again. It's that good :)

        • sushmonster

          Started Breaking Bad today. Lost is one of the best shows that ever happened to network TV; even with season 6 in mind. I keep wondering when I will have forgotten enough of the twists to get maximum re-watch value.

          • drunkenninja

            Keep watching breaking bad, you will be happy you did!