  • IridescentOak (edited 7 years ago)

    Ties. Now, before you protest that they're insanely common: I'm a female. Don't get me wrong, I'm 111% straight, and I don't have a cross-dressing fetish or anything, but I just really love tying and wearing ties. I honestly think it's ridiculous that it's considered "unacceptable" for females to wear ties; I enjoy it, so what's the harm in wearing them once in a while?

    My favorite knots to tie are the trinity knot (for fancy occasions) and the Prince Albert knot (for everyday occasions). I'll usually wear my tie with some sweater/cardigan thingy like this or this. I'm relatively flat-chested too, so it works rather well on me.

    • Bastou

      I though Avril Lavigne wore ties rather well ... I'd say if you enjoy wearing it, then don't listen to people saying you shouldn't!

      • IridescentOak

        Haha, thanks. I take the opportunity whenever I can! ;)

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