  • Rothulfossil

    A word I avoid using even thought I love it as a writer: niggardly. For obvious reasons.

    • Yeti89

      Had to look this one up. I've never heard it before! For the curious:

      nig·gard·ly ˈniɡərdlē/ adjective adjective: niggardly 1. not generous; stingy. "serving out the rations with a niggardly hand" synonyms: cheap, mean, miserly, parsimonious, close-fisted, penny-pinching, cheeseparing, grasping, ungenerous, illiberal; More informalstingy, tight, tightfisted "a niggardly person" antonyms: generous meager; scanty. "their share is a niggardly 2.7 percent" synonyms: meager, inadequate, scanty, scant, skimpy, paltry, sparse, insufficient, deficient, short, lean, small, slender, poor, miserable, pitiful, puny; More informalmeasly, stingy, pathetic, piddling "niggardly rations" antonyms: lavish, abundant adverbarchaic adverb: niggardly 1. in a stingy or meager manner.