  • ssladam

    I'm cautiously hopeful we've seen the end of all-out global war involving mass deployment of soldiers. War may "evolve" to utilize more drones and surgical strikes. But I'd like to think that if there were another war on the scale of WWII that the people of the Earth would stand up and refuse to support such a massive deployment of citizens, and such a massive loss of life.

    That being said, if we do go into WWIII, I believe it will be driven by citizen uprisings and governments mobilizing to suppress the riots and also to avoid the gov't from being overthrown. The suppression fuels more uprisings, allies are brought to help quell the riots, which spurs riots in the ally's home nation, and it slowly becomes a spreading international uprising.

    • double2

      That still doesn't sound like WWIII, more like the World Civil War I.