
What event(s) do you think will trigger WWIII?

8 years ago by manix with 8 comments

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  • Fuyu

    I'd say Russia is still the top dog for potentially causing problems. They're currently playing the Nazi-Germany game of trying to take small places and hoping we'll go "eh not worth it" while they slowly creep into all of Europe.

    Although I can more easily say what I believe WON'T trigger WWIII: North Korea - I know at one point they had China's support, but I'm pretty sure even China wouldn't want to go to war with the US if NK gets uppity and decides to nuke something. ISIS: May refuel or cause a war, but doesn't have the support of other countries to cause a world war.

  • ssladam

    I'm cautiously hopeful we've seen the end of all-out global war involving mass deployment of soldiers. War may "evolve" to utilize more drones and surgical strikes. But I'd like to think that if there were another war on the scale of WWII that the people of the Earth would stand up and refuse to support such a massive deployment of citizens, and such a massive loss of life.

    That being said, if we do go into WWIII, I believe it will be driven by citizen uprisings and governments mobilizing to suppress the riots and also to avoid the gov't from being overthrown. The suppression fuels more uprisings, allies are brought to help quell the riots, which spurs riots in the ally's home nation, and it slowly becomes a spreading international uprising.

    • double2

      That still doesn't sound like WWIII, more like the World Civil War I.

  • ColonBowel

    The US screws up and gets involved where it shouldn't It makes the Islamic world unite against NATO. NATO, thinking it's untouchable, says, "Bring it." Russia supplies the Islamic world weapons and intel until finally joining it. China quietly chills in the background watching the rest of the clowns kill each other, unless someone gets too froggy with their economical interests in Africa. Israel eventually throws a nuclear weapon, and everyone denounces them even the US, including Long Island and West Palm Beach, FL. End of WWIII.

  • PushPull

    Not so much which event, but which series of events coupled with bad decisions. A butterfly effect if you will. As far as what will kick this off, who knows, pick one. There's way too much going on that could get it rolling.

  • double2

    First, define WWIII. We live in a world with many, many nukes. I don't think we will see widespread war in the same way the two world wars happened; we're much more likely to see a war that comprises cultural, financial and idealogical war. Therefore the answer is "9/11". We're in the middle of it.

  • septimine

    I think it's starting in the Middle East right now. The lines are being drawn, and in this instance the winner will control the oil that powers the global economy.

  • bkool

    Cuba! JK glad that's over.