
How many of your 100 closest neighbors (by proximity) do you know by name?

I just moved for the first time in 2 decades so I'm literally at zero :(

7 years ago by KingLin with 7 comments

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  • iamsanchez

    I live in an apartment complex so there's a lot of neighbors left, right, top, and bottom. So out of the approx 300 to 400 people, I know maybe 10 of them by name.

  • baron778

    Maybe about 5 or 6. The rest keep to themselves, or I guess are perfectly happy with not really making new friends.

  • Maternitus

    I know quite some of my neighbours, but more know me by name, I guess. :-) There are neighbours I talk a lot to, but don't know their names and the other way around is also a fact. My neighbourhood is not really social, it was better several years back. Most people sit inside, live their lives and come out for whatever they are heading for. Most of the neighbours are okay, but some of them better keep it to themselves. They are just not trustworthy. Then again, with neighbours it's the same as with family: you get them whether you like it or not. Some of them will become friends, most of them are just there. Like most people, they just excist. Not on my timeline or path, to each their own.

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  • NotWearingPants

    By houses, 6. By number of people in those houses 19. I've lived here longer than all my neighbors except one.