  • spaceghoti (edited 8 years ago)

    A lot of people tried recruiting for voat shortly after the /r/fatpeoplehate tantrum. The arguments they made for why we should leave reddit and switch to voat convinced me that voat was welcome to the sort of people who welcome that sort of speech, but it wasn't for me. My reasons for wanting to move away from reddit have more to do with the lack of accountability for moderators than any "free speech" issues on the part of the admins. Reddit's moderating system is far too prone to abuse, and I'm pleased to see that the admins here are willing to listen to ideas to discourage that behavior here.

    EDIT: I should clarify that I haven't left reddit, there are still a lot of good people there I enjoy interacting with. I'm trying to gently entice them over here.

    • pixelboot

      The moderators were my reason for leaving reddit as well. It wasn't the only reason, but it was the straw that broke the camels back. I still creep over to reddit once in a while, but as soon as I'm there I'm instantly reminded of the many things I disliked there (the same jokes being repeated over and over, general hostility, down votes for any alternative opinions, etc.).

      The moderators were what really did it for me though - in many cases, instead of letting someone know about a small mistake in a post or comment, it was instantly deleted, sometimes without explanation. Once I made a post which received about 40 up votes in about 30 minutes, before it was deleted by a mod for simply having "not good enough" content (isn't that what the voting system is for?!).

      Since then I started my search for an alternative. Thankfully the drama with FPH pointed me to Snapzu and Voat (I was never invested in FPH at all, but I did see the many threads complaining about all of it). I tried Voat but noticed it was quickly flooded with all of the people from those subs, and with the rumors surrounding illegal activities on the site (such as child porn), I decided I didn't want to be associated with that site at all (especially at work). So I came to Snapzu and found exactly what I had been looking for.