  • MyUserName

    I would put myself in orbit with the best cameras that exist at this point in time and go back and watch the meteor that killed off the dinosaurs. Even if that didn't kill off the dinosaurs, just to see something with that much energy and devastation would be awesome. As in it would incite awe in a way that no other event could. To see watch the full effects of the impact and record it in at least 4k 3d with all the bells and whistles. I'm in awe just thinking about it...

    • hedman

      You forgot the beer and the popcorn

      • MyUserName

        I'm not much of a drinker and don't really like popcorn. I'll bring some pizza and some herbs.

    • drunkenninja

      Funny, because I was thinking of going back to watch the planet Theia collide with Earth, Now that would have been a show! (If it happened)

      • picklefingers

        But.... you'd die.

      • MyUserName

        I did think of this, but figured that this is an event that would take longer than one day to play out.