  • Espeon

    You have to download this app called Sleep Cycle (that's the iOS name, I think it's different for android etc) -- it uses your phone's accelerometer to measure what phase of sleep you're in, and tries to wake you up when you're in lighter sleep so you're more likely to actually register your alarm, etc. You set the window around when you need to wake up and it wakes you up accordingly. I use it in conjunction with, which helps you figure out when that light phase is likely to occur. Huge help.

    • Schwut

      This looks really interesting. How does the phone sense your body movement though? Do you have to strap it to your arm or something?

      • Espeon

        No, you just lay it in your bed with you -- I think optimally you're supposed to place it under your pillow. It works best for me if I use sleepytime with it to help "guess" when I'll be in light sleep.

        • Schwut

          Ok cool. I'm definitely going to give this a try. Thanks for the advice!

        • Fooferhill

          Is it not advisable to keep phones away from heads if you can help it.