  • massani

    Yes! I agree and I sometimes regret going to college since my career doesn't rely on having a college degree. I could have done a design bootcamp for $10k that lasted 10 weeks than be in $45k in debt and go to school for 5 1/2 years.

    Also to latch on to yours, I hate the fact that American culture puts emphasis on going to college right after high school. You have kids who are 17 and 18 deciding their future career, where most haven't even discovered where their true passion lies. If it wasn't looked down upon to take a couple years off between graduating high school and pursuing a higher degree, then we would have 1. less people going to college and 2. a happier workforce.

    • idlethreat

      Wow. Good call. I had zero clue what I wanted to be when I grew up. Sure as hell didn't know whenever I finally left school. It took time, effort, and a lot of self-discovery before I ended up where I did. Holding children accountable for such life decisions at such an early age is untenable. It wasn't until I was about 35 before I finally hit on what I'm good at and what makes me comfortable. And we're asking children to do the same? It's crazy.